Strava has released an updated Global Heatmap, first released in 2015.
The interactive data visualization is based on more than 1 billion recorded activities from Strava athletes across the globe. The map has six times more data than the 2015 version, and incorporates a wide variety of year-round land and water activities.
The map was created in conjunction with Strava Metro, Strava’s heatmap is a data visualisation tool that provides a broad look at activities, popular routes and sport destinations around the world.
Strava CEO James Quarles said: “A global community can seem very abstract until you see its activities visually represented in your immediate location and across the world.
“It’s not just runners and cyclists, either – skiers, hikers, kiteboarders and even mountaineers on Everest are all counted in the more than 1 billion uploads of the Strava community.”
The heatmap features data from 31 different activity types, spanning everything from kayaking to backcountry skiing. Strava Premium athletes can also access personal heatmaps, a unique way to visualise their activities over time. It shows everything from swims across the English channel to hikes on iconic trails in Patagonia to snowboarding in Japan. It’s also a tool that Strava athletes explore to find new places to play.