Jumbo set to pull out of sports sponsorship


Jumbo Supermarkets will stop sponsoring the Jumbo-Visma cycling and skating teams. The new CEO Ton van Veen confirmed that this week.

The current contract, which will run until the end of 2024, will be respected, but Jumbo is prepared to stop earlier as the main sponsor.

In addition to sponsoring cycling and skating, Jumbo will also stop sponsoring Formula 1 champion Max Verstappen.

“This sponsorship has brought us a lot of brand awareness, but we have now won every race there is to win,” Van Veen said to AD. “Each year we invest more than 20 million euro in sports sponsorship, but I can only spend every euro once. We cannot return that money to the customer, or invest it in sustainability or health.”

Jumbo therefore leaves Jumbo-Visma, the most successful cycling team in recent years. The only question is when exactly. If a new main sponsor want to take the Jumbo role earlier, the supermarket chain will not prevent an earlier departure.

Manager Richard Plugge has already hinted that it will be looking for a larger and international partner as the main sponsor.


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